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 Real People. 
 Real Problems. 
 Biblical Solutions . . . even Supernatural Solutions.    

Welcome to Walk with Yah!

This ministry helps those in bondage that want to be helped with Biblical Love, Truth, Grace, Mercy, and  understanding. Walk with Yah (WWY) works with the Ruach haKodesh / Holy Spirit to break spiritual bondages that keep you from experiencing Our Heavenly Father and His fullness of life.

I believe there are many people today that are hesitant to ask for help with their problems for many different reasons. They may feel they may get shunned / ostracized by their earthly or even their 'biblical' family by other ‘family’ members that are still growing themselves. Some people may feel that they want help but don’t know who to turn to – they want somebody to help that has experience.

Whatever the reason I believe I can help if you are willing to work with me but more so if we are both willing to work with the Ruach haKodesh / Holy Spirit. On these pages I aim to help YHWH’s people get a comfortable understanding of Deliverance ministry and offer my services to those that are hurting or even just unfulfilled with some facet of their life.

On these pages you'll discover that I try to teach you how to use the Bible against the demons that try to influence our lives. I share real-life examples of how Yeshua / Jesus sets people free - as He does this often more than some people realize. I want to help others look at Scripture with new eyes to consider things they may never have before.

So I invite you to look around, spend some time here, and please contact me if you would like to schedule a deliverance session. I pray I can remove some of the enemy's oppression off of your life so that you can be what you were called to do for Yah's / God's Kingdom.

   Noe G.

Note: As of this tme, Walk with Yah (WWY) has to pray to Yah/God before any new clients are accepted. WWY sessions are done via video teleconference.


Actually at this time I'm not taking any new clients for a season.  


Send Love Offerings to:

Walk With Yah Ministry

225 Parkway 575 # 2371

Woodstock, GA 30189-9998

Noe G.

Sanctification Minister / Biblical Advocate



© 2014 Walk With Yah

A 501c3/508c1a ministry

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