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Apr 28, 20202 min read
I bless you with the spirit of Elijah
Does anybody perhaps see a correlation with this story of Elijah and what is going on the in the world today? and how it can relate to YOU!
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Feb 20, 20203 min read
So what is 'normal'?
Let me ask you? What is 'normal'? I know people look at those that walk in the spiritual gifts like we are abnormal . . .
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Dec 6, 20195 min read
It's naht a toomah!
I'm glad your here. I'm assuming you've started reading this blog because you think I have something interesting to say. Well I do. I...
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Nov 19, 20186 min read
SwY-004 Lions, tigers, and bears . . . and your little dog too.
Welcome back! I'm actually aiming this at myself as well as it appears my frequency is putting out updates every 2 weeks or so. Please...
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Oct 15, 20181 min read
Jay Bartlett visits Atlanta and . . . Wow!
As I've mentioned before I get the pleasure of working with the Liberation Ministry Freedom (LFM) team and LFM gets the honor of working...
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Sep 3, 20184 min read
A Trail of Tears . . . sort of
Walk with Yah is not just about deliverance. It's about . . . how do I put this? Well it's about walking with Yah. How do you live out...
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Jun 18, 20184 min read
I do stuff . . . really
As the cliche goes 'Time flies when you're having fun'. I think cliches are cliches for a reason. There has been much going on as I...
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